
What does "out of the box" mean

最近看英文书时,经常遇见一个表达-Out of the box, 查了字典后还是觉得很confused。

Items, functionalities, or features provided out of the box are those that do not require any additional installations, plug-ins, expansion packs, or products. In addition to being used for tangible products, the phrase is often used in a less literal sense for software, which may not be distributed in any box but offer certain functions "out of the box."

In the case of implementation of products that use other products, out of the box also has the connotation of using a system without customization, such that it is usable with a Vanilla software installation.

在Spring In Action出现这个表达就有10处, 而在 Seam In Action 出现了18次!今天抽点时间把这些句子摘取出来放在这里。

《Spring In Action》

Tons of open source frameworks were blossoming on the Java landscape. In order to decide to adopt one, it had to hit the sweet spot of our needs—it had to do 80% of what we needed right out of the box.

In addition to prototype, Spring offers a handful of other scoping options out of the box, as listed in table 2.5

The idea of creating a base DAO class that holds the JdbcTemplate is such a good idea that Spring comes with just such a base class out of the box.

Spring’s out-of-the-box support for web service proxying comes in the form of

Although JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean is the out-of-the-box solution for wiring proxies to web services in Spring, it makes no assumptions about the services it proxies and requires a lot of configuration.

Spring’s AbstractExcelView and AbstractPdfView make quick work of producing Excel and PDF documents. But what if you need to produce output that isn’t covered by Spring’s out-of-the-box solutions?

Spring offers several out-of-the-box view controllers from which to choose.

In fact, Spring Web Flow comes with out of the box support for use in Jakarta Struts
  • JavaServer Faces
  • Spring Portlet MVC
Before we end our discussion on Spring Web Flow, let’s see how to use Spring Web Flow’s out-of-the-box support for integration with Jakarta Struts and JSF.

In addition, Spring provides several out-of-the-box mock implementations such as MockHttp-
ServletRequest and MockHttpServletResponse that are useful for testing controllers.

《Seam In Action》

As I mentioned earlier, seam-gen produced projects that are configured to deploy to JBoss AS out of the box.

Seam configures three profiles out of the box: dev, prod, and test.

But, if you are on the fence, I find NetBeans easier to get into if you are a new user. It has less clutter and it is geared specifically towards Java EE development out of the box.

Out of the box, seam-gen creates a build process that is biased towards JBoss AS.

Instead, GlassFish is prepared to use the TopLink Essentials implementation out of the box.

At the time of writing, there is an outstanding feature request for seam-gen to support GlassFish out of the box.

For those savvy JSF readers, I will admit that you can use a custom PhaseListener to execute code prior to the Render Response phase. However, doing so requires a lot of redundant work on your part to achieve what Seam gives you right out of the box.

Right out of the box, injections are transient without you having to add the transient keyword on all of the fields marked with @In.

Seam supports both Hibernate 3 and the Java Persistence API (JPA) out of the box.

The XML-based approach is amazingly flexible, in a large part due to the capabilities of the Seam
component model and the ubiquitous EL. When defined in this way, the component can be used a JSF backing bean, action listener, or both, right out of the box.

Enabling security is a bit of a misnomer in Seam. Security is always enabled by default, unless you forcefully disable it. However, out of the box, there is no way for users to authenticate themselves. That requires that you specify which method will act as the authentication handler

In fact, out of the box, JAAS can only work using this principle. The idea is that instead of requiring users to login before doing anything, the application attempts to allow them to use as
much of the application as possible before authenticating.

Seam only supports the first scenario out of the box.

Seam supports three basic transformations out of the box, listing in table 13.2.

Out of the box, jBPM supports persisting executions to the database using Hibernate.

Spring's persistence layer can scope the persistence context anywhere from a single operation (method call) to an entire request. But out of the box, it cannot go any further. Even if a solution came about in the future (as software is ever changing) it still wouldn't integrate better with the Seam life cycle when compared to what Seam offers today.

You could probably spark a heated debate over the importance of the transaction around the view, but suffice to say that Spring just doesn't support it out of the box.

Java EE 5 application servers have escaped their legacy. They now offer, in my opinion, a much better development experience than a servlet container like Tomcat. They are just as fast to start, in some cases faster, they behave according to a rather decent specification, and
they offer many more services out of the box.

